Computer science is a very comprehensive and challenging area that we try to comprehensively and professionally manage . For this reason, together with partner companies, we offer small, medium and large companies all for the successful running and operation of the business .
Skupaj z podjetji SISTEM24, SPOCK, BOVIAN+ and ETOS SOLUTIONS, kupcem ponujamo celovite informacijske rešitve, prilagojene njihovim željam in potrebam.
At the same time, we're also developing our own information solutions for complex business systems and processes, and offering and supporting various pre-existing solutions.
Increase efficiency, gain control, and achieve goals. Turn a business into a profit with a business program that supports the growth of your business.
For more than 20 years, he has been an indispensable part of the lives of exceptional individuals in companies throughout SE Europe.
We carry out complete installation and implementation in the existing environment. With the built-in Ares tool, which allows you to add new or upgrade your existing functionality, we can completely adapt to the client's wishes.
SimpleShop provides commerce and hospitality solutions. It is a professional computer program for invoicing via POS or A4 printers.
It is intended for everyone - small and large companies, as it satisfies even the largest and at the same time smaller companies does not force any redundant functions.
Universal business software for invoicing, invoicing or tickets via A4 and POS printers and receiving RFiD (NFC) cards, BAR codes and time access control - all in one software package.

webeConnect je programska rešitev, razvita skupaj z podjetjem Sistem24 d.o.o. za izmenjavo podatkov med vašim ERP sistemom (Pantheon, Vasco,..) in spletno trgovino (PrestaShop, WooCommerce,..)

sisPAtoRIP je programska rešitev, razvita skupaj z podjetjem Sistem24 d.o.o. za izmenjavo podatkov med dobavitelji in kupci po protokolu RIP.
Naš servis poskrbi za avtomatsko izmenjavo podatkov med eb-Managerjem ( Panteon group ) in ERP sistemom Pantheon.